WUSB600N + WPA and Windows 7 RC1

Windows 7, Wireless Jun 23, 2009 1 Comment

I recently updated my personal Media Center PC to the latest build of Windows 7 Ultimate.  Upon upgrading, my Linksys WUSB600N Ver1 USB dongle stopped working.  Well, let me specify…


Windows 7 did recognize the WUSB600N, however everytime I entered my WPA TKIP encryption key it would comeback as incorrect.  Upon further investigation, I realized that Windows 7 was thinking that the WPA encrypted network was actually using WEP, which of course was incorrect.

Upon even further investigation, I realized Window 7 was installing the driver for the Version 2 of the WUSB600N.  I had the Version 1.

How to fix

  1. Download the correct driver from http://nmiller.net/downloads
  2. Navigate to \Windows\System32\drivers
  3. Find netr28u.sys
  4. Rename the file to netr28u.old
  5. Unplug the USB dongle
  6. Reboot
  7. Copy the downloaded netr28u.sys to the \Windows\System32\drivers directory
  8. Reboot
  9. Plug in the USB Dongle
  10. The correct driver should now be autoinstalling ENSURE IT DOES NOT SAY INSTALLING “WUSB600N…VERSION 2”  It should simple say installing WUSB600N (no version number).
  11. You should now be able to connect to WPA networks.

One Response to “WUSB600N + WPA and Windows 7 RC1”

  1. Reply Old Granny says:

    The Windows 7 fix for Linksys WUSB600N network adapter almost works, but not quite. I see that Win 7 has a DriverStore which has many files related to netr28u.sys, and is probably the source of my difficulty. Once the v.2 drivers for the network adapter was installed, Win 7 persists in believing the adapter is v.2 even though it is v.1. I hope I find some guidance in removing or replacing all the files I need to (and no others).

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