Microsoft Office 2008 (and the scam there-in)

Microsoft, osX Oct 17, 2008 1 Comment

Well, all I can say is this is precisely why I use Linux…nothing in this blog is recommended as a work around, but it is one. If you are interested in saving $250 US then read below.

Problem: Using Entourage 2008 from hosted exchange provider in conjunction with Office 2008 Home and Student

: I would try this method below from the “Entourage Help Blog” first. It allows you to use office with the latest updates, giving you better security. If that doesn’t work skip to the other method.

Method 1 (worked 50% of the time)

What you need:
Office 2008 SP1 update 12.1.0
Office 2008 SP1 update 12.1.3 or newer
30-45 Minutes

Note: that for this to work for me I had to completely remove the existing installation of Office 2008 off the computer by going to:
Applications -> Microsoft Office -> Additional Tools -> Remove Office. Reboot, then follow the instructions laid out HERE
***If the updater hangs on “checking existing / additional volumes,” try clicking back and then initiate it agian. I had to do this on almost of the service packs.***

Method 2:

What you need:
Office 2008 CD/DVD
Entourage 2008 DMG
1 Hour

I have been doing a decent amount of work for a client who uses a Mac. Well they bought their Macs with MS Office 2008 Home and Student Edition. One of the reasons I was hired with them was to help them migrate to a better mail solution. No problem right? Well thats what I thought.

Problem 1:
Apparently Home and Student edition (which I guess is different than 2004’s Student and Teacher Edition) no longer supports exchange connectivity in entourage. Talk about taking a step backwards apparently now that smartphones and iPhones have begun penetrating the consumer market, Microsoft thought it would be a good idea to pull support for free.

Well, luckily (or perhaps not) Intermedia offers a free version of Entourage with each exchange account you create.
1. Download the .dmg
The Install Process:
1. Download the .dmg
2. Install…it gives a warning that installing this with Test Drive will cause a problem. Good thing we are using Home and Student!
3. Reboot…always a good idea.
4. Open Entourage
Uh oh, now you get a “Entourage Cannot Open the Main Identity” Whoops there goes all your old mail!

How to fix this:
Finder -> Documents – > Microsoft Office User Data
Drag the folders “Main Identity” to the desktop. Entourage now opens and works as stated.

5. Now lets edit a document in Word…or Excel…or PowerPoint.

We Cant!
You now receive and error stating “The application Microsoft PowerPoint quit unexpectedly”


Reinstall Office 2008 for Mac

Why does this happen?
Well after a lengthy conversation with a very nice person at Microsoft (really, MS does have great support agents), I was informed that the “Free” version given to me by Intermedia is meant to be a stand alone version and not used in conjunction with any other version of office. Perhaps the screen that stated “Will not work with “Test Drive” could have shed some light on this BEFORE we wasted 3 hours.

I was then informed that I could get a refund from their “refund department” at 888-673-8624 and then repurchase the non-upgrade version of Office 2008 for Mac (Standard) for a price difference of a mere $250 US.

Oh yeah, and going from 2004 to the new entourage is seamless. Figure that one out.

The Caveat:
Well with “Method 2” you cant update office. Thats about it. Which is a security risk. But Macs can’t get a virus right 😉

One Response to “Microsoft Office 2008 (and the scam there-in)”

  1. Reply Augustine Tasler says:

    Cool blog. This is definitely better than the others I have recently visited dealing with this. The layout is neat, I think I am going to borrow this. Just kidding…Thank you!

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